Friday, 4 May 2012

The Cook's Proposal

She had spent weeks thinking of how to break the news about having a carry-over course to her mum, that she barely had the time to think of anything else. On the other hand, thoughts of the love of her life always seemed comforting every time she ran out of ideas how to break the news to her mum.  Anyways just so we know a thing or two about this beautiful bride in question, she is one who loves to cook. And boy can she cook! So as usual, her boyfriend Ope, came over every Sunday to get a taste of  her good cooking and God knows what else! Earlier on this particular day, she had finally summoned the courage to break the news to her mum and was still slightly uneasy from the aftermath. So just as she was doing the usual in the kitchen and lamenting to him about the whole incident, something suddenly jolted her back to reality and the earth stood still. She looked down to see him taking the position on the floor. One knee down, one foot down, hands opening the little cute box….wow, he didn’t have to go this length for a piece of fried meat? He could’ve just asked nicely. Though this was not the Eiffel Tower proposal she had always dreamt of….that rather tall refrigerator in her kitchen suddenly became the Eiffel tower….the boiling rice became music to her ears….the lights from the gas cooker suddenly became curtain lights… and the smell of meat stew smelled strongly like the evening breeze…. Oh yes Paris was right in her kitchen! And Francois was Opeyemi, her future husband. To hell with ugly school results or her mother;s fury, saying YES made it all okay! 

Oh, and about a year after their marriage, we finally discovered what the every Sunday visit was about asides for food. This evidence will be 4 this year and is  the world ‘s cutest baby boy!

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