Friday, 23 March 2012

The Fun Girl's Proposal

They had been dating for  over 2 years and in that short while they had come to experience heaven on earth and yes, hell on earth too. This relationship is one I personally experienced and I'm almost tempted to tell the story based on my super excitement on hearing the good news! But no, let me tell it just as it happened. Now this is not your usual proposal. This guy kept it real. He knew his girl and luckily they really were birds of the same feather (in their case, the peacock will be the ideal bird).
 So in the fun girl's own words, she really didn't see it coming. They had broken up a few months earlier due to social issues (no, not about third parties) and she really didn't think the relationship was heading in that direction. Little did she know the power of Love was far greater than any other human emotion. So while clubbing one hot Friday night, dancing to Beyonce's single ladies as was her favourite song back then (hehe), he suddenly popped the question. At that moment, she forgot all her dance moves (and believe me this girl knows how to move!), Beyonce suddenly sounded like Pasuma and Club Insomania became a dream.  Still in shock she thought it was the alcohol talking, then snapped out of it before the girl standing next to her decided to grab the ring  instead! Her proposal was different, it wasn't the usual romantic scene, but it was a scene that worked for her. Quite a double hit combo that night - the proposal and the engagement party... literally! So simple. He wanted it and he put a ring on it.

Share your experience and let's see things from your perpective!


  1. My own sompkolina,
    Beautiful story and I'm all teary right now.. Luv @ first sight, Nah but its love all d way baby. More stories to come as u know my life is a Novel to say the least. Nice job babes.

    1. Hiya, Forgot to say my name... Fiona and yeah dats me right up there. :-)

  2. Isho is my name!26 March 2012 at 06:36

    Fiona I can see you!!!!!!!!My sister from another mother... Bless God for the Happy @"my life is a novel"

  3. Ey ya! The sweetness of it all. More stories about poppin' the big Q please!
